Designing online meetings to support relationship building
Submitted by erika on Tue, 06/14/2022 - 18:46So much of how we get to know each other at in-person gatherings takes place specifically in incidental, unplanned spaces like waiting in line for a coffee or the few minutes before a speaker starts. How can virtual spaces, which are often more structured and less semi-private, replicate these interactions that are core to getting to know each other?
In a recent discussion with other meeting planners and facilitators, we grappled with this question.
Here's what we came up with:
"No more deportations, we shall not be moved"
Submitted by erika on Tue, 02/14/2017 - 20:02We wont stay quiet, we will fight for our brothers and sisters, we take risks because we know a better world is possible! #sanctuaryforall
— New Sanctuary Mvt (@NSMPhilly) February 14, 2017
Some tips for local Hacks/Hackers organizers
Submitted by erika on Tue, 09/13/2016 - 00:105 steps to writing a thoughtful rejection email
Submitted by erika on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 15:35I get rejected for plenty of stuff. Jobs, conference talks, fellowships. Sometimes, the organization doesn't even bother with the bare minimum--a response email. The rejection comes when the event starts up and I'm not included, so I can pretty well figure out what happened. Sometimes I apply for something as a fluke, get a form email. And, well, there was no harm in trying.
But then sometimes, I really give a shit. I apply for something I'm excited about. I put a lot of effort into the application or talk proposal. I may even discuss my application with people involved with the organization. And then....a stock email rejection.
Are you #%)! kidding me???
Years later, I'm still annoyed at some of these stock rejection emails. I know other people hate these rejections too. So, I'd like to do a small part to make them stop. And I feel like I have some standing here cause at this point I've sent out over 1,000 rejection emails to applicants to the Knight-Mozilla Fellowship. Are some folks upset at the news they receive? Sure. But some people publicly tweet thanking us for the email and we get numerous emails of thanks for bringing some consideration to an unpleasant part of any application.